Aloha All!
This week was really amazing. We had a ton of amazing things happen:
*Patrick was baptized!! YAY! The service was beautiful and ah he is just amazing! Him and his wife are now preparing for the temple, and they are just awesome.
*We met really amazing people. Yesterday we were walking down the street when this lady stopped next to us, dropped everything in her arms, and about tackled us to the ground while yelling "Sister Missionaries!!!" wakaka it was hilarious. She just moved here from Germany where she was taking the lessons, and I guess someone told her there were no sisters in Hawaii. Her daughter was recently baptized, and they want sisters to continue teaching their family. Ah, they're amazing <3 i'm really excited to get to know them more! and this lady is only one of the MANY incredible people we were able to meet this week. God is good, people. God is good.
*We went to Pearl Harbor for service .... and I forgot to wear closed toed shoes .... so Kevin (the guy in charge) got me some work boots ... and socks ... I put the socks on ... then I went to put the shoes on ... and 3 cockroaches came crawling out onto my leg AHHHH I threw the boot one way and jumped 10 feet the other way. The elders were all laughing so hard and I am now scarred for life. wakaka I guess it's kinda funny now that I look back at it... God is still good and He's got a sense of humor.
*We had Zone Conference. It was great :)
*We went on a hike to a waterfall. Got really muddy. And wet. And I got eaten alive. (pics to come). it was nasty. BUT SO WORTH IT :)
there are so many tender mercies around us, and so many incredible people the Lord puts in our path. It's up to us if we will follow the spirit so we can help those people ... and allow them to help us <3 the gospel is incredible. it is life changing. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! Hope all of you are doing well, thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and testimonies. Church is true. The Savior lives. God loves you -
Much Aloha,
Sister Jay